That weekend Joel and I already decided to go the shore and spend the time with my parents. The 4th Of July was on Tuesday of that week so we made a long weekend of it, leaving right from the sonogram place. My parents have a beautiful house on the water with Jet Skis, a boat, a little beach and a dock. Pretty much none of which a pregnant woman can enjoy. Sticking with the common theme of my being so jealous of Joel for being capable of doing all the fun stuff like walking, drinking, eating good food and now we add water sports to the mix. UGH. I was barely off crutches at this point, only allowed to walk short distances around the house.
This holiday weekend came at the perfect time. We needed all the help we could get in planning the next five weeks of our lives until the baby came. Actually, "needing help" was an understatement. All I kept thinking was that I needed lists. Lots and lots of lists. Babies need a TON of shit. I've always said "fail to plan, plan to fail." Clearly this wasn't planned, and I was terrified we'd fail. So being with my family for the weekend to talk this out was welcomed. Once again, I needed my Mommy, and lists and the internet.
Since we'd just found out the baby was OK and I didn't break it with Coors Light, we agreed that it was now time to tell a select few, aside from the 10-20 people my mom already told. Hindsight, I'd of liked to have told Joel's parents in a cliche way with a grandma/grandpa gift or a corny card with a sonogram picture. But the reality was, we didn't have the time to mess around, this baby could fall out of me at any moment. Later I'd experience first hand that this baby certainly did NOT just "fall" out of me. More on that later. It's quite the story involving a snickerdoodle from The Great Cookie, one Nahtzee, and a lot of profanity, mostly directed at Joel.
Rewind to when Joel and I first started dating. His parents told me all about how they had a five year plan to retire to Florida. They explained that the only exception to this would be unless he or his brother produced them a grandchild. Joel and I joked about that being a not-so-subtle hint to us to get busy and make them a grandchild. But Joel and I both never wanted kids so they were S-O-L. Becoming Grandparents was something they desperately wanted but thought was never going to happen. The irony is when they told me that, I was already about one month along in my pregnancy.
We had a two hour car ride ahead of us. For a substantial portion of the drive, Joel and I didn't speak. We just sat hand in hand with a deer in the headlights look on both of our faces. I mean we were both thinking "WTF are we going to do?". Most people have nine months to prepare for a baby, we had just a fraction of that time. 1/9th of the amount of time to be exact. We figured this car ride gave us plenty of time to call the handful of people my mom didn't get to yet and give them the shocking news. Joel and I decided we should call his mother first.
"Mom, are you sitting down?" Joel said when she picked up the phone.
"Yes Joel, whats wrong?" she replied. Mom's just know sometimes.
"Remember how you were planning on retiring to Florida? Well, that's not happening anymore, Jenny is pregnant." He explains.
We didn't know when she picked up the phone, but she was out to lunch with a group of her girlfriends. She started to cry. Then we drop the bomb and tell her that I'm 35 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby. "No way!" she says through her tears. "Are you serious?" "How?" "I can't believe it!" A montage of confused questions later she congratulated and thanked us both. This was only the beginning of the shock and awe reactions we'd receive. We'd probably given her the best news she'd heard in a long time.
After we told her, something came over me. A wave of panic. I was flipping out. How irresponsible of us? How can we afford this? We are going to have to send this baby to college one day and that is expensive! We literally need everything from a crib to a car seat to baby wipes! How much do baby wipes even cost? If its a girl we have to pay for a wedding! The kid is definitely going to want a car at 16! I'm an unwed mother living in my Mothers basement making barely any money. Then it really hit me. OH MY GOD this baby is going to come out my body via my vajayjay. I hadn't even thought about that part until just now. I'd seen the video in 9th grade sex ed of that woman delivering her child. Her poor lady parts. MY poor lady parts. All I'd decided about my "birth plan" was drugs. I wanted the drugs. ALL OF THE DRUGS. Epidural, laughing gas, narcotics. ALL THE THINGS.
Now we panic.
I ended up getting the drugs. |
Looking just like her Daddy. |